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Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years and Still Going Strong!

     10 years ago today, the very foundation of America was shaken in a brutal attack on our soil. What started out as a normal day, soon developed to become a day filled with horror, tragedy, and hell. America was the forefront of an unseen war, and this soon became very evident to all citizens. This day changed America forever.
     Everybody remembers where they were at on this dark day. Personally, I was in 2nd grade. We were doing our morning work when somebody came and whispered in my teacher's ear. Her face turned pale and seemed to be filled with horror. She turned on the T.V. and told us to do our work and not to turn around to see the T.V. I, being the nosy and curious person I am, turned around and saw a fire. I remember thinking, "Big deal, a fire! That happens all the time!" This thought was soon interrupted by the teacher's scolding at me for disobeying her. They then proceeded to let school out early. Shortly before releasing us, my teacher called us up to her desk and she told us that something terrible had happened today and that she was going to leave it up to our parents to tell us what happened. As I got out to my car, my mom was crying. I asked what was wrong and she said she would show me when I got home. When we got home, my mom flipped on the T.V. I was in utter shock! Even at that young age, I knew that this was a tragedy and definitely an act of terror against our nation. My whole family had our eyes glued to the T.V. as we watched to see what answers we could find as to what and why this happened. Life literally seemed to stand still.
     I honestly could not even begin to imagine what the families of these people have felt or are still feeling. Better yet, I could not fathom what it felt to be on those planes that soon served as missiles of mass destruction. My heart goes out to those families as well as those families of the firemen and other rescue workers that were killed doing what they do best, helping people. These people are true heroes. They gave up their own lives to save the lives of others. My hat goes off to them all.
     Here we are, 10 years later. Our wounds are still slowly healing. However, we are still going strong! These evil demons that are referred to as "terrorists" thought they had won. However, the American Flag still flies to this day. A proud reminder to us all that we shall never give up hope! America was and still is the most prosperous nation in the world. Even though they made a dent in our pride, these terrorists could never crumble what America is, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
4 planes.
3 buildings.
12 terrorists.
3 hours.
3,000 killed.
1 terrible day.
10 years later.....STILL GOING STRONG!
May we never forget. God bless the families of the victims and God bless America!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

R.I.P. Michael Dalton Fitch

     Saturday night, tragedy struck that would affect two high schools as well as many people across Cleveland County and the surrounding areas. An event that happened in secret, but yet made local headlines across two states. One single happening that would shake up many personal lives, possible forever. An event that many people will never forget.
     Before I tell this terrible tale, I would like to give a brief background on the victim. Michael Dalton Fitch was a very funny and positive person to be around. He lit up anybodies day who came in contact with him. Sure, he had his faults, but doesn't everybody? He loved to help out people and be a helping hand. He was an overall great person. Even though I only had one or two classes with him, I feel like I have known him for a while. He just had that affect on people! He is simply an unforgettable person!
     Now for the heartbreaking part, Saturday night a boy whose name I am keeping confidential got into a fight with a young girl. She threw beer in his face, they stat fighting and screaming at each other, and he hits her. Dalton steps in to try to stop the fight as the girl runs away. The boy then proceeds to stab Dalton below the rib cage on the right hand side of his body. EMS personnel rush to the scene and rush him to the hospital. Unfortunately, Dalton is pronounced dead at the hospital. The news spread like wildfire on Facebook and various social network sites. This lead to many tears and broken hearts across Cleveland County, particularly students at Burns and Crest High Schools. Everybody was and is still shocked and awe struck at the news. People have met at both high schools to have prayer circles in memoriam of Dalton. Needless to say, all of Cleveland County, despite their differences, have come together to mourn such a loss as this, as well as search for justice for his death.
     This just goes to show that we are not promised tomorrow, and that we should live everyday as if it is our last. To see a young seventeen-year old boy's life taken from him innocently can break the heart of even the most cold-hearted people. At least he is in a better place now and is not wrapped up in the drama of this world. I'm sure he is looking down on us now and smiling to see that he will never be forgotten. Michael Dalton Fitch, you may be gone now but you will never be forgotten. You will always live in our hearts forever. I'll see you again one day. R.I.P. Michael Dalton Fitch.

Here is the article in The Shelby Star that discusses his death if you would like to read it:

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is your "Final Destination?"

     Tonight, I went with a group of friends to go see the new movie "Final Destination 5" in 3D. Although it was a good movie with a good plot line, some parts were so bloody and gruesome that I couldn't bare to watch! I honestly couldn't imagine dying the way some of those people did! But, beyond the fact that it was one-hundred percent fake, it kind of got me to thinking. We are all gonna die one day. Whether it be in a freak accident, such as in the movie, or a natural death, we will all be eye-to-eye with the grim reaper! That is sometimes a scary thought to think about! But, if you're saved, it shouldn't be!
     So many people are afraid of death and they want to "live life to the fullest." Well, there's a right way and a wrong way of doing that. Most people's idea of living up is lots of drinking and sex and other demoralizing things for your body. This is the total opposite of the way people need to live up their lives! If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, you should have a whole new mindset on living up life.
     Christians are told to be fishers of men. We are supposed to share the light of Jesus to a dark world full of sin. We need to read our Bibles daily, pray constantly, minister to the lost, set an example, and never give up in our walk with Jesus. We need to be the kindling that starts the fire of Jesus in somebodies heart. We shouldn't be setting the wrong kind of example by living up the worldly way. We should be doing it the way that Jesus would do it. Now, that doesn't mean we can't have fun. Christians are supposed to have fun! Laugh a lot, have fun with friends, be the class clown, always keep a smile on your face, and be cheerful. God is happy when we are happy! But, don't have the wrong kind of  fun because then, God isn't so happy.
     So, no this is not a "stepping on your toes" kind of post. This is just a encouraging word I felt like sharing. If you are a Christian, be a soldier for Jesus and never give up! If you are not a Christian, get to know God, you will be in for the most amazing ride of your life I can promise you that! So, live life up, but in the right way! And, as you live your life, always remember, we will end up in one of two places, heaven or hell. Which of these will be YOUR final destination? 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is a day to celebrate heroes. No, I'm not talking about Superman or Batman, I'm talking about moms. What makes a mom a hero? Well, considering they have to put up with changing diapers, feeding us, being thrown up on over and over again, giving us every last cent they have, being there for school functions, being personal chauffeurs, being personal chefs, being disciplinarians, being that shoulder to cry on, being screamed at by adolescent offspring, the list could just go on and on. Sure, they don't fly around the world in 80 seconds or have invincibility, but they do have the power to give that hug or saying that simple "I love you" to make even the darkest of days brighter. It has been said that a mother's love is the closest thing on Earth we have to God's love. I believe that statement is true. God's love is unconditional the very same as a mother's. I thank God not only for my own mother, but for all the mother's all around the world. Without them we literally wouldn't be where we are today. So, here's to the mothers around the world! Today is your day to celebrate and be pampered for once! Enjoy it! Happy Mother's Day and God bless!